Her Royal Highness the Queen of England.
Buckingham Palace, London.
Dear Raji Fred,
Hello darling! How do you do?/How have you been? (‘How do you do?’ is a phrase only used when you first meet someone; it is incorrect, as the Queen is obviously on ‘intimate’ terms with Mr. Fred.) This is your favourite little Queenie here. It’s been so long/so long time (‘So long’ can only refer to time, and therefore, doesn’t need the word ‘time’.) since I last saw you. I’m absolutely dying to get my hands on you again, and pass/spend (‘Spend’ is the most common collocation with the word ‘time’ when the meaning is ‘accompany’.) some quality time together. Being/to be (The first is correct, and is an example of what is known as the ‘present participle’. This often used to begin a sentence.) a monarch can be so boring sometimes. I get tired with/of/from (‘Of’ is the correct dependent preposition with ‘tired’.) all those stupid diplomats and tedious European royals. Yesterday, I must have/had to (‘Had to’ is correct, as it expresses obligation. ‘Must have’ expresses certainty or deductions, not obligation, in the past.) spend all day long with the Danish royal family. What bored/boring(People can be either bored or boring. In this example the Queen was bored because the Danish royal family were boring. –ED is passive, i.e. it happens to you; -ING is active.) people! Then my usual meeting with the prime minister; I wish he’d brush his teeth occasionally. His breath smells terribly. Anyway/By the way, enough of this nonsense. (We use ‘anyway’ to change the subject in a conversation; ‘by the way’ is used to add an extra piece of information, or one that you have forgotten to mention.)
What was I saying? Oh, yes. I was going to suggest that you come up to my palace in Balmoral next week to talk around/talk over (‘To talk over’ means ‘to discuss’ or ‘to debate’. The other has no meaning.) some of the plans for the royal wedding. What a splendid event it is going to be! I hope it’ll even more successful than Charles and Diana’s. Between you and I, I never did care much for that Diana. My nephew/niece (A ‘niece’ is your brother or sister’s daughter; a ‘nephew’ is masculine.) Lady Sara Winthorpe is so excited and nervous. The press are following her everywhere. I’m really so glad that she is getting married to your son Ali. Ali is such a charming, handsome gentleman. He’s yet/already (‘Yet’ is incorrect as it is most commonly used with negative or interrogative sentences, and is usually placed at the end of the sentence.) become very popular with the British public. The only thing that really worries me is his English. He hasn’t spent as much time living in this country as you have, and I’m worried about him not understanding our language and culture.Therefore/Moreover, (‘Therefore’ has the sense of ‘as a result’ or ‘that is why’. ‘Moreover’ is an adverb that is used to add information. ) I’ve arranged for some special classes for him, to prepare him correctly for the wedding. He will have his own particular/personal (‘Particular’ is a ‘false friend’ –a cognate with a different meaning- in many romance languages. If you have individual classes, it would be with a ‘private’ or ‘personal’ tutor.) teacher, a very competent professional called Zak Washington. Ali starts studying with him tomorrow. The sooner, the better, eh? Write me/write to me (Technically, the verb ‘to write’ should be used with the indirect pronouns ‘to me/you/him/her/us/them’. Americans have a tendency to use the incorrect ‘write me’ in colloquial language.) soon, and tell/say (The correct structure should be either: ‘say … to me’ or ‘tell me’, but not ‘say me’.) me if you want to come and see your little Queenie in Balmoral Palace. I might have to punish you for not having kept in contact for so long! Naughty little boy!
The Queen of England.