In LESSON 4 you will learn: English vocabulary for holidays, beaches and leisure (SP: ocio IT: tempo libero).
We will explain step-by-step about British beach culture.
Next, we will learn about an important aspect of British culture: the mods and the rockers.
After, we will study the famous Battle of Brighton Beach in 1964 and look at the problem of delinquency.
You will learn what a moral panic is. We also ask if moralizing (SP: moralismo IT: moralismo) is the real crime (SP: delito IT: reato, delitto).
Finally, students will practice with communication activities, quizzes and games.
Vintage 1970s British ice cream van.
This is a LEARN ENGLISH WITH ZAK WASHINGTON audio recording with a listening exercise. #ZAKMAG
(More on Youtube, Vimeo and Daily Motion)
ZAK WASHINGTON: (Doing a bad imitation of Winston Churchill) We will will fight (SP: pelear IT: lottare) them on the beaches; we will fight them in the kebab shop.
STUDENT: Oh, shut up, will you? (SP: cállate IT: stai 'zitta)
ZAK WASHINGTON: A very good afternoon to you students! Today we are in beautiful, sunny Brighton, just one hour from London on the train. The weather is magnificent…
SOPHIE: No, it isn’t!
ZAK WASHINGTON: British bathing beauties are resplendent in the hot seaside sun…
SOPHIE: Those ugly girls?
ZAK WASHINGTON: …and a light Mediterranean-style breeze is blowing (SP: soplar IT: soffiare) warm air into our faces.
SOPHIE: It’s bloody freezing!
ZAK WASHINGTON: Glorious! So… I think it’s about time we put on some of our swimming costumes and bikinis.
SOPHIE: You’ve got to be joking! (SP: estás de bromas IT: stai scherzando)
ZAK WASHINGTON: Listen Maria…. If you want… I’ll help you put on a little bit of that suntan cream (SP: crema broceadora IT: protezione solare).
SOPHIE: Suntan cream?
MARIA: No, you disgusting little man. I’m not. Go away! (SP: véte, lárgate IT: vai via)
SOPHIE: It’s fourteen degrees (SP: grados IT: gradi). It’s just stopped raining. (SP: acaba de dejar de llover IT: ha appena smesso di piovere) It’s cold and windy.
TEACHER: But I’m hot. Boiling hot. I’m sweating. (SP: estoy sudando IT: sto sudando)
MARIA: You’re hot? You’re sweating?
AHMET: Come on girls. Take off (SP: quitar IT: togliere) some of those clothes.
SOPHIE: Get him away from me…
AHMET: That’s it. Take off your jackets.
SOPHIE: I’ll call the police.
AHMET: You’d better put those bikinis on too.
SOPHIE: Go away!
MARIA: I think you’ve had too much to drink again.
TEACHER: Shut up! What rubbish! We’re at the beach to relax. We can have as much to drink as we want.
MARIA: Teacher. I’ve never seen anyone so white before. Are you suffering from a skin disease?
STUDENT: I think he’s a vampire. Teacher, will you put your shirt back on please? Everybody is looking at you! This is embarrassing.
AHMET: So, Maria. Are you going to put your bikini on or what?
(Meanwhile (SP: mientre tanto IT: nel frattempo) in the Queen’s Palace.)
THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND: A very good afternoon to you Mr. Fred. Here we are in beautiful, windy Balmoral just one hour from London in my private jet. The weather is dreadful (SP: espantoso IT: orrendo); the British are miserable in the cold winter rain, and a strong Siberian wind is blowing freezing air into our faces. Awful! (SP: terrible IT: tremendo) Why don’t you come and give me a cuddle (SP: abrazo IT: abbraccio) ? Pass me my fur coat!
RAJI FRED: A fur coat! It’s fourteen degrees. The sun has just stopped shining. It’s warm and breezy. A cuddle! I can’t. I’m a happily married man.
THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND: Oh come on I’m freezing. Just a little cuddle. Please!
THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND: You’re hot? You’re sweating? You’d better take some clothes off. That’s it take off your jacket. You’d better take off that shirt too. Oh cuddle me, I’m really cold. Look. I’m the Queen of England. I can have as much to drink as I want. When I tell a royal subject to take his clothes off, I expect him to take them off. Now come here you lovely little man.....
This is a listening exercise for students of English. #ZakWashington
Solucciones en español abajo / Soluzioni in italian sotto
Dear Angelina,
I’m having such a lovely time (SP: pasarlo bien IT: divertirsi) in Brighton. Look at the magnificent view in the photo. Splendid! As you can see there is a stony (SP: pedregosa IT: pietrosa) beach in front of you. That’s Brighton beach. There are several beach huts (SP: chiringitos) and some deck chairs.
Behind the beach is a narrow (SP: estrecha IT: stretta) road that runs along the seafront (SP: paseo marítimo IT: lungomare) with a row of little hotels and restaurants that are facing you. There are some tall flagpoles (SP: asta de bandiera IT: pennone) on the road, with some flags (SP: banderas IT: bandiere) from various different countries.
There is a strange building to the right that looks like the Taj Majal in India. To the right there is a long pier (SP: muelle IT: molo) that goes from the road to the sea.
At the far end of the pier is a mini amusement park (SP: parque de atracciones IT: luna park). It has several merry-go-rounds (SP: tiovivo IT: giostre), a little roller-coaster (SP: montaña rusa IT: montagne russe), and a helter-skelter (SP: tobogán en spiral IT: scivolo a spirale).
On the beach is a little boy who is flying a kite (SP: cometa IT: aquilone). The kite is in the shape of a bat. (SP: murciélago IT: pipistrello) There is a woman with a pushchair. (SP: silla de paseo IT: passeggino) On the left hand side of the picture, there is a young man riding on a donkey (SP: burro IT: asino). He is wearing a Hawaiian shirt and is carrying an umbrella in his hand because it is raining. The umbrella has blown inside-out (SP: de dentro hacia fuera IT: alla rovescia) because it is so windy.
In spite of (SP: a pesar de IT: nonostante) the bad weather, there is a fat, bald (SP: calvo) old lady in a giant Victorian swimsuit (SP: traje de baño IT: costume) who is up to her knees (SP: rodillas IT: ginocchi) in the water. She has two small children with her, who are crying because they are cold. Her husband is at her side. He has a moustache (SP: bigote IT: baffi), a stomach like a taxi driver and the smallest swimming trunks that I’ve ever seen! He must be Italian. It’s making me homesick. Wish you were here.
Lots of love, Giovanni.
#EFL #TEFL #ESOL #ELT #TESOL discussion sheets for students of English #ZakWashington
#EFL #TEFL #ESOL #ELT #TESOL exercise for students of English #ZakWashington
GIOVANNI: If we are not going to swim, I think that we should get something to eat.
MARIA: Great idea. Where can we go teacher? I really feel like something nutritious.
ZAK WASHINGTON: I don’t know. Let me think.
SOPHIE: I don’t care what we eat as long as it isn’t disgusting (SP: asqueroso IT: schifoso) English food.
ANJA: English fish and chips are just junk food (SP: comida basura IT: cibo spazzatura). It’s all grease and fat, and the fish is not fresh, it’s frozen. Diet is very important, especially when you are travelling. I want quality food.
SOPHIE: I agree. Let’s go to that Burger Queen hamburger restaurant over there.
GIOVANNI. Yeah, that’s always good food.
#EFL #TEFL #ESOL #ELT #TESOL discussion sheets for students of English #ZakWashington
In this section SUBCULTURE SPECIAL we look at some of the famous musical and fashion subcultures from British history.
Extract from ZAKMAG, our complementary easy English learning magazine. #ZakWashington #ZAKMAG
Click this photo below for the vocabulary, exercises and additional materials in ZAKMAG magazine issue #4 ZAK WASHINGTON SCHOOL OF CRIME