Who talks to whom first? Do men talk to women first?
In modern Britain there are no fixed rules about who talks to who first. It’s certainly not uncommon for a woman to approach a man first. If you want to know how to approach partners in England, you need to understand the stereotypes (SP: estereotipos IT: stereotipo, luogi communi ) that we have about foreigners.
Hey, I'm a Latin lover. Women are going to love me, right?
Unfortunately, if you are a tanned (SP: bronciado IT: abbronzato ), dark-haired (SP: moreno IT: moreno ) gentleman from a Mediterranean country, your fellow countrymen (SP: compadres, compatriotas IT: connazionali) have already given you a bad reputation for chatting up women.
So what should I do?
So take off (SP: quitar IT: togliere ) that medallion, shave off (SP: afeitar IT: fare la barba ) the moustache (SP: bigote IT: baffi ), do your shirt up, take the disco music off the car stereo, and take that pair of socks out (SP: quitar IT: togliere ) of the front of your trousers. Stop hissing and whistling. (SP: silbar IT: fisciare) You can do that in the football stadium in England, but not in the street. What you want is for her to talk to you and break the ice (SP: romper el hielo IT: rompere il giaccio). Not your nose (SP: nariz IT: naso ).
What is the name in English of a special phrase used to break the ice with a potential romantic partner?
You need to understand the British sense of irony. You’ll have to say something that is inoffensive, funny and clever at the same time: a chat up line. (SP: frase para ligar IT: frasi per rimorchiare )
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