English Lessons

Phrases for Customer Relations - English Lesson
Phrases for dealing with customers in English. Frasi per le relazioni con i clienti
English lesson: 'Hollywood Accounting'. Why do most films not make a profit?
What is 'Hollywood Accounting'? How is it possible that so many blockbuster films make no profit? These and other questions are answered in today's English language lesson. Need English classes? Also, included is our new price list for classes in 2021. As many of you will notice it is almost exactly the same (as we haven't raised prices in 10 years). This time, however, we have NEW SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR GROUP CLASSES!

Homework / Discussion - The Pharmaceutical Business
This is an English language TESOL classroom discussion about the pharmaceutical industry and drug approval. We will watch a video by American economist and free market advocate Milton Friedman who gives a critique of the role of the FDA. We will then discuss some of the points it raises. (Level C1)
Materials for Food & Beverage Course
Downloadable pdf books for Hotel & Catering English courses.

2019 Xmas Party - English Language Social Club
Please accept our invitation to come and join the ENGLISH LANGUAGE SOCIAL CLUB 2019 XMAS PARTY The event will be held in the Piedigrotta restaurant. Via Gian Domenico Romagnosi, 9, 21100 Varese VA. (Near the Garibaldi statue). Tuesday 10th December 2019 at 19:00 hrs. We will be having a buffet-style event aimed at meeting new friends and getting to know other club members.