Posts tagged with "lesson"

homework assignment graphic with Winston Churchill from ZakWashinton's Guide to English
For this week's English language lesson homework assignment we are going to study Italian body language and how gestures correspond to typical every day phrases. Italians use gestures to express many feelings or to communicate. Many of the gestures have very nice common phrases, also in English, which you should know to make your everyday English sound more convincing. This is a continuation of the lessons that we did last week about BODY PARTS & DESCRIBING BODY MOVEMENTS. (Check out the blog)

WORD OF THE DAY: Describing Nationality, Race & Languages
In today's mini-lesson we explain a complicated area of the English language. We teach you how to use words that describe the nationality, groups of people and their adjectives.

Today's we help you learn English with the explanation of a commonly confused word: TO MISS. We explain how to use it correctly and teach you different applications.