Posts tagged with "english"

The 40 most important SOCIAL ENGLISH  phrases
What are the 40 most important SOCIAL ENGLISH phrases? How do you respond to them correctly? Fun activity and video tutorial
English Summer Course

When do we use VERB+GERUND or VERB+INFINITIVE? Read today's Learn English blog post to find out the answers....
English Grammar Exercises (B1/B2) Free & Downloadable
Hi all. Here is a collection of ENGLISH LANGUAGE GRAMMAR EXERCISES. (B1/B2 level.) Each of the exercises is DOWNLOADABLE and contains the ANSWER KEY.

GRAMMAR - When do we use DO & MAKE?
When do we use DO and MAKE in English? Read today's Learn English blog post to find out the answers....
ASSIGNMENT - Talking About Addiction, Trauma and Stress
For this week's homework we will listen to the fascinating Dr. Gabor Mate talking about the relationship between trauma and addiction.

ASSIGNMENT: Body Movements Vocabulary in English
In this week's English language lesson we are studying THE BODY and BODY MOVEMENTS. We will learn all the vocabulary for anatomy and body parts. For fun, the brave students can learn using the Karma Sutra in English! And then put it all into practice with some practical LESSONS.... on the gym mat (doing exercises, not the Karma Sutra).....
Phrases for Customer Relations - English Lesson
Phrases for dealing with customers in English. Frasi per le relazioni con i clienti

Who invented the public relations industry? - English lesson
In today's lesson we look at the sinister story of the invention of the public relations industry. Need English classes? Also, included is our new price list for classes in 2021. As many of you will notice it is almost exactly the same (as we haven't raised prices in 10 years). This time, however, we have NEW SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR GROUP CLASSES!
Money Vocabulary: Thrive & Survive. Pay down or stash cash?
In today's English lesson we will look at vocabulary related to MONEY. First we will study the vocabulary, then we will watch an American talk show explaining 'How to survive in a recession.' Enjoy a bit of American trash TV! Need English classes? Also, included is our new price list for classes in 2021. As many of you will notice it is almost exactly the same (as we haven't raised prices in 10 years). This time, however, we have NEW SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR GROUP CLASSES!

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